There’s a distinctly corporate feel to this week’s Wolfblood episodes, what with Segolia moving in all about the place and inserting themselves into the pack’s lives, whether that’s trying to woo Shannon with a job (and a science montage!), saving Wolfbloods from a comet curse, or just Mr Jeffries’ ongoing crush on uni pal Dr Whitewood (seriously, dude, she’s definitely not interested).
The best bit about these episodes was what the return of Whitewood offered us. Like we said in last week’s review, it’s great to see the Three Ks becoming individuals, and this week was Kara’s time as she vied with Shannon to be the best work experience girl. Unfortunately for her, not knowing about the Wolfblood secret means she’s never going to be part of the club - but she has realised that there is some kind of big secret being kept from her, a secret she attempts to uncover by phoning an ambulance.
In next week’s episodes, it’s all kicking off as the pack try to discover the truth behind Cerberus by walking into the belly of the Segolia beast. Did Gerwyn really lie, and embezzle the money from the company? Or are Kincaid and Victoria just as sinister and evil as they appear? After all, Kincaid, no-one takes that much interest in a schoolgirl without an ulterior motive.