“That Benedict Cumberbatch, he’s a bit alright, isn’t he?
Up until a month ago, this was pretty much my level of expertise when it came to the BBC’s Sherlock.
“A month ago?”
Yes, a month ago.
“But it has been going since 2010.”
I am fully aware of this. Unfortunately, during 2010 I funnily enough had just moved to London and had no internet or television. What I did have was a library card, a blockbuster card and a fresher’s year at University to play around with so you’ll have to excuse me if I was a bit slow on the uptake with Sherlock. It literally escaped me, undetected, up until now.
Also, if you note how easily I can obsess with television shows and films, it was probably good for my own sanity that I didn’t discover Sherlock until recently. But after stumbling out of the second screening of Star Trek Into Darkness with my legs quivering, a great friend handed me over the box set, demanding that I watch it. Now, considering that I just managed to claw back some of my life after the Hannibal television series stole it, handing me a television show such as Sherlock was like giving a drink to a recovering alcoholic. Luckily for me, I slipped off the wagon with what can only be described as the finest scotch created and not the swill I had been drinking before…