With a short montage summation of its basic premise (magic and wizards are real, normal people are the “Unenchanted” rather than Muggles and aliens want to eat all of the magic), Wizards vs Aliens is back for a third series. When we last left the magical crew, Ursula had died and come back, Benny had come out (after all, Russell T Davies wrote it), and Tom had averted the destruction of the Earth (again) and sent the Nekross back to Nekron. After a summer free of the extra-terrestrial threat, it’s back to school time! And this time, the main threat doesn’t come from the Nekross, but instead a new group of aliens, the Consolidation, who want to remove the Earth’s core.

And she’s great. OK, so previously on the Zarantulus there was the purely evil pantomime villain of the Nekross King, the conflicted and sympathetic Lexi, and Varg, who was pretty much just a brainless warrior. Rather than replacing one of the absent characters with similar tropes, the path they’re going down with Lyzera is going to be more of a secretly conniving and backstabbing role. The reveal at the end of the episode was jaw-dropping, coming after two seasons where we’ve had it drilled into us that the Nekross eat magic (and the fact that they haven’t thought about making their food source more sustainable is an argument for another time). With evil parrotesque puppet at her side, just exactly what can Lyzera achieve by manipulating her less intelligent husband?