Ah, Star Wars. Only two words and yet upon hearing them, so many thoughts and memories spring to mind. Quite simply one of the best film franchises of all time, it’s always found ways to entertain fans when there weren’t any films coming out. We’ve had video games, short films, merchandising and TV shows. With another film on the way, there comes another TV show too, heading to Disney Channel: Rebels.

This show looks pretty damn good. Much like The Clone Wars, it’s animated, and from the trailer we can see several of the great elements of the Star Wars films implemented in the series, such as space battles, lightsabers, speeder bike chases and more.
Again, like The Clone Wars, the show is definitely aimed more at kids, but looks to be enjoyable for older Star Wars fans. Overall, the series is looking pretty ace, one that Star Wars fans don’t want to miss.
Star Wars: Rebels premieres in October.

What do you think of the trailer?
Are you looking forward to Star Wars: Rebels?
Let us know in the comments!