What an episode. Jesus Christ, that was an experience. Heartbreaking, terrifying, and badass enough to make you fist pump. The Walking Dead is on a real high this week.
Whilst the bulk of the episode focused on Glenn, Eugene, Noah and others’ mission to retrieve energy packs to fix the electricity in Alexandria. What follows is utter heartbreak. Firstly, hats off to Steven Yeun and Josh McDermitt for their exceptional performance. Eugene finally stepped up to the bat and become a little less cowardly when Tara’s life was at stake following an explosion. He’s made it very clear he’s not made for combat, but still put himself on the line to get Tara out and help the rest of the gang. Will Tara survive though? It was never clarified by the end what state she was in but things don’t look too good. Only time will tell, but sadly we do have to say a Walking Dead goodbye to Tyler James Williams. He didn’t get too much of a focus in his short time on the show, but Noah was certainly a likeable character, and didn’t deserve to go the way he did. Saying that, the scene was absolutely terrifying; Glenn, Noah and Nicholas trapped in a revolving door surrounded by Walkers? Good Lord, that was tense. There’s no predicting what happens next on this show, and watching Noah get ripped apart as Glenn watches on in tears. It’s an utterly heart-wrenching moment. It looks like The Walking Dead will never lose its touch for heart wrenching twists, and in the long run, that’s what will keep the show alive.
Finally, is Rick going to kill Pete? There’s always been something off about Pete and Jessie’s relationship, and now Carol is certain that he’s abusing her. Rick has taken quite the fancy to Jessie; he almost shot Pete in the head just for being her husband. We know how Rick reacts in these situations; it won’t be pretty if it’s true. Rick doesn’t have a lot of self control when it comes to stuff like this.
It’s not quite the best episode of Season Five so far, but what an experience this week was. There’s only two episodes left....How is it all going to go down?