The Walking Dead season 3, episode 14, Prey is all about war. As we left last week both camps, Woodbury and the Prison we’re preparing to go to war. We were left with each side not believing the other’s ultimatums. Tonight’s episode opens with a flashback of Michonne and Andrea spending time together on the road. One night at a campfire, Andrea inquires about Michonne’s undead companions. We learn from a glimmer of her reaction that she may have known them in life before they became zombies. If you read the comic book you know this has a completely different turn of events and the two walkers were people close to Michonne.
We see more of Tyreese in this episode. He begins trying to fit in with the rest of the Woodbury crowd. Andrea tries to get out past Tyreese who won’t let her leave. She warns him of the Governor and he allows her to leave. The inclusion of Tyreese this season was interesting but has amounted to much of nothing. As much as it’s nice to see more characters from the comic book in the television series this inclusion just doesn’t add anything. Of course Tyreese runs to the Governor who paints Andrea out to be a bit of a whack job, explains that life in isolation has made her deranged.
As Andrea tries to make it back to the prison on foot, she hears a truck behind her. She hides in the woods and is attacked by walkers. All she wants is to get back to the prison to warn Rick and the others of the Governor’s plans. Once again we have a transition of characters from the comic to screen. In the comic book it is Glenn who leaves Woodbury and returns to the prison to warn everyone of what has happened.
We cut to Martinez, Tyreese and others arriving at a ‘biter pit’ where the people of Woodbury collect their own Walking dead in a pit and Tyreese finally realizes what Andrea was talking about with the Governor. Allen and Tyreese fight over this, as Allen has no problem with feeding the prison crew to a pit of biters. Tyrese holds Allen over the pit of the undead but he cannot bring himself to let him go even though he is being challenged. As we stated earlier, the inclusion of Tyrese is rather pointless but this episode develops his character more than it has all season.
She finally comes face to face with the Governor, however Andrea won’t go down as easily. She opens the door to the room full of zombies and leaves them for the Governor. She hides behind the door and as the last one shambles out to confront the Governor she escapes, leaving the Governor to deal with the walking dead. Andrea makes it out alive into the night air. The cries of the Governor can be heard from within the warehouse…
Back at Woodbury, the Governor is able to spin the needs for the biter pits to Tyreese by explaining they are a scare tactic. Of course Tyreese and Allen buy this explanation and ask to continue to stay in Woodbury, which he grants, realizing that Tyreese didn’t burn the Walker pits, leaving one likely candidate. Milton stands down the Governor who knows his most loyal subject has betrayed him. We’re then left with an image of Andrea tied up in the Governor’s torture chair fearful of whatever her fate may become her.
As an episode that lacks any of the real main season 3 cast, Prey is actually quite enjoyable. Once again we have another in depth look into what makes the Governor tick. We come to realize that he isn’t whole, where Rick has rebounded from events; the Governor has allowed them to consume him, twist him. Milton even comments that he knew Phillip before the Apocalypse. Milton feels the Governor, like the undead, can be redeemed.
With only two more episodes left of this season it looks like there will be others who may be redeeming themselves before this comes to a conclusion. Wherever Kirkman is taking his television version of The Walking Dead is anyone’s guess.