This is it, ladies and gentlemen. The Walking Dead Season Five has come to a close. In this 90 minute finale (And by 90 minutes what they really meant was an hour long episode with half an hour of commercials), the show really outdid itself in terms of quality, and it boiled down to moments of nail biting tension.
To be honest, it was exceptional performances all round this week. Seth Gilliam and Sonequa Martin-Green handed in some of their best performances yet as Gabriel and Sasha face their demons. Following Gabriel’s blaming of Sasha for Bob’s death, the ensuing fight is tense as hell. Much like Glenn’s situation, Sasha gets him at gun point and we sort of want it to happen, though Maggie steps in at the right time. You have to feel a little bit sorry for Gabriel after that, when he breaks down for letting his congregation die. Gabriel hasn’t exactly been the most likeable character, especially in the last couple episodes, but Gilliam has consistently handed in great performances, and this week saw him angry, scared, alone and guilty, all of which he did perfectly.
Speaking of the Wolves, they’re an interesting bunch. No doubt they’re going to be the new villains of the show. The Wolves are a group of people who eliminate other survivors and take what they have. Well, Alexandria has a lot of stuff to take, and now they know it exists. Prediction: Season Six will start with an ambush on Alexandria by the Wolves, but hopefully it won’t the run the group out of there. That’s been done too many times now.
Season Five has been absolutely excellent. The first three episodes completely knocked it out of the park, then it took a bit of a slump but quickly picked itself back up for the second half, which was consistently brilliant. We said goodbye to two major players in Tyreese and Beth, and saw some great guest performances from the likes of Tyler James Williams as Noah and Andrew J. West as Gareth who, in only three episodes, managed to become one of the show’s best villains to date.
It’s been one hell of a season, but sadly we now have to wait until October for Rick and the gang to explode back onto our screens. But it’s like Rick says....We have to survive.
What Do You Think?
Did you enjoy Season Five of The Walking Dead?
Who would you like to see get their comeuppance next?
Let us know in the comments!