This latest episode will wrap up a few on-going storylines in surprising ways so be prepared as things in Mystic Falls are going to change. The Silas and Amara storyline will finish as well as a surprising aspect to Bonnie’s resurrection. It will get slightly confusing as there are now three versions of Nina running around the set but it works, and it works well.

Bonnie worries about what will happen should Amara die and the other side disappears. Dr Maxfield does tests on Katherine and tells her that time is catching up with her and she has a few months to live at the most.
A disheartened Bonnie overhears a phone conversation between Silas and Damon where Silas reveals that he wants Amara dead so they can finally spend eternity together in the afterlife and he no longer cares about reviving Bonnie.

Amara recognises Jeremy from the other side and when she sees Bonnie, she realises that their lives were swapped. Bonnie can touch Amara which gives her an idea: make Bonnie the anchor! That way Amara can die and Bonnie can still be in the world of the living, despite being dead. Damon convinces Tessa to do this spell.
Nadia has some mother issues as she gets angry at Katherine when she tells her that she doesn’t want to know her daughter, or be a mother. Katherine hints at her having a different attitude had circumstances been different when Nadia was born. Caroline fetches Katherine for ‘official doppelgänger business’. Katherine agrees to help on the condition that Tessa stops her ageing, to which she agrees.
Here’s where it both gets confusing and also demonstrates the impressive CGI of the show. Amara, Katherine and Elena are positioned around a table which holds Bonnie’s grimoire. During the spell, a hurricane seems to materialise in the room and the lights extinguish. Silas has found them. Amara and Tessa are lost in the confusion of the blackout. Tessa has been abducted by Silas, and Amara by Stefan. Stefan threatens to keep Amara alive unless Silas finds him within ten minutes.

Amara is tied up to a tree when Silas finds and saves her. Tears run down both their faces as Amara apologises and they share their love for each other. Silas starts to slit her throat when Stefan saves her by killing the mortal Silas. In a Romeo and Juliet moment, Amara kills herself with the same blade that ended Silas’ life. How poetic. This scene really did feel like the end of an epic love story. I hope all the doppelgängers aren’t doomed to the same fate though. That would be depressing. Bonnie can feel Amara’s life ending and so goes to Jeremy to say goodbye. They express their love while Jeremy cups her cheek and Elena and Caroline can suddenly see her. The spell worked; Bonnie is the new anchor! This also means that the tragic love story of Silas and Amara is even more brutal by the fact that they are still separated.
Tessa refuses to help Katherine as promised prior because the first immortality spell didn’t work out so well. Katherine approaches her to see her standing in a puddle of blood and her wrists cut. She has killed herself so she can be reunited with her true love on the other side. She still has one more secret up her sleeve though. It turns out that Bonnie has a certain responsibility as the anchor. All supernatural souls must pass through her to get to the other side, and to quote Tessa, ‘it hurts like a bitch’. Katherine seems to accept her fate for the moment when she tells Nadia that they will never see each other again.
Stefan wanted to kill Silas so that his pain and the nightmares would go away. This isn’t the case and he tells Elena and Damon that he was disappointed that it wasn’t either of them that saved him from the coffin. As we all know, had the shoe been on the other foot, Stefan would not have rested until he rescued either his brother or ex-girlfriend. This was what his earlier jibe was about. He accused Elena of trusting the wrong people because he himself feels the same way.
This was an interesting episode. The CGI was top notch as usual and it was beautiful. BUT it has left a sour taste in my mouth. Despite everything that Silas has done, I was still hoping that he and Amara would be able to spend eternity together and instead, he gets lumbered with a crazy bitch who tried scheme after scheme to hurt him. Tessa was a great character and deserved more than to settle for the afterlife with a man who never loved her and never will, not that I can blame him after how she reacted. I’m disappointed that Silas has gone now because Paul clearly had a great time playing the character. He was bored at the end of season four and was considering leaving the show because of this. Hopefully this means that the new Stefan will be much improved for him so he will happy to stick around after season six.

Bonnie has once again gotten the raw end of the deal. She’s not quite dead, not quite alive. That’s not enough though, no! Let’s also have her in immense pain every time a supernatural creature dies. I also get the feeling that if something happens to her grimoire, it could permanently kill Bonnie so I’m worried about her safety. Why does this girl never get a break? Everything bad happens to her, usually because she’s trying to save her friends. It really makes you rethink caring about others, doesn’t it? Bonnie is a great character who I feel was always under rated, and Kat is a fantastic actor who deserves less angsty, depressing moments in the show. Can we have a storyline which ends with her being happy and someone else looking after her for a change?
Stefan is another character I feel is being crapped all over at the moment (for want of a better phrase). Not only does no one realises he is even missing at the start of the season and don’t think it is odd that he hasn’t checked in with any of them over summer; he gets used as a Silas voodoo doll; he has his memories snatched away; he begins to fall in love with Elena again and is hurt by her betrayal with Damon; has his memories returned; and then not even killing Silas relieves his pain in any sense. If anything, I feel like they are now worse. I have loved Stefan since season one with his heroic and noble personality, loving nature and perfect hair. It is about time his character go through some personal growth and development but not five seasons worth within seven episodes!