It has been revealed that the Vampire Diaries will be adding another new character this season: Luke. Although he has not yet been cast as far as we know, it has been released that he will become close to Caroline, but probably not in the way that you think.

Luke and Caroline will develop a special bond; but they won’t be in a relationship. The character of Luke will be adding some much needed diversity to the characters within the show as he will be gay. This explains why he will be one of few male characters not in the show who is not romantically interested in either Caroline or Elena.

Don’t forget, The Vampire Diaries returns 23rd January 2014 with its 100th episode! Katherine is on her death bed while the others seem to be celebrating. Will she be killed off or not? As one of the most popular characters on the show, this could be a huge mistake. Don’t forget to watch the show and be the first to find out!