Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers first premiered on August 28, 1993. The very first episode; Day of the Dumpster introduced children everywhere to the original five rangers, their allies Zordon and Alpha 5, as well as their original main enemy Rita Repulsa. It spawned 18 incarnations of rangers, two feature films, a massive toy line, and a major convention; Power Morphcon.
Created by Haim Saban, the Power Rangers series adapts the Super Sentai series, a long running Japanese Tokusatsu TV program. The show blends scenes with English speaking actors with the Japanese shows' action sequences. Saban Brands produced the Power Rangers series until a 2001 buyout by Disney and eventually purchased it back in 2010.

Between season 2 and 3 a feature film, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie debuted. The movie is considered a part of a separate continuity. There are several differences within the movie form the show and in season 3 the new power coins and Zords are explained much differently than the movie.

The Power Rangers have come a long way since their start on Fox Kids, with parents complaining about the level of violence. The show struggled in the beginning to gain the ratings and recognition needed to thrive but pulled through and survived ownership changes. Today the Rangers have become a part of popular culture, showing up Good Morning America and participating in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. They've survived and thrived the past 20 years and are celebrating it with fans through appearance, toys, games, and DVD sets.
The current season can be seen on Nickelodeon every Saturday at 1P/12c