It’s only Aramis on trial in the season two finale of The Musketeers, but everyone’s about to get punished – generally by death, because Rochefort’s on the rampage. Last week, it seemed like everyone was doomed to die, so could the Musketeers save Constance, Aramis and the Queen from execution, and expose Rochefort’s lies to the world?

But instead it’s just Rochefort who bites the dust! Although it takes a while. Exactly why it’s d’Artagnan who has a personal vendetta against him is never explained – surely Aramis has more reason to want the man dead? Or Constance? – but at least it gives him something to do in the episode. And so we close the season with France and Spain now at war (presumably that’s where season three will take place, rather than more palace intrigue), Aramis becoming a monk for the shortest possible time, d’Artagnan and Constance married, and Milady off on her own to England (does that mean the Duke of Buckingham will be the next major villain?).

Wherever season three takes us, it’s bound to be a great swashbuckling ride.