Another week, another metahuman. This time, we take a look at Barry’s past as he meets a reminder of his time at school, pre-Flash, and the struggles he used to face.
Iris is still writing her blog and getting more well known for it, Barry meets his school bully and must fight him once again, Dr Wells finds a new drinking buddy and Barry and Eddie begin to bond.

The solution to defeating Tony did not feel as clever as it was probably intended to be. It felt a bit juvenile and like it was done to hit a specific demography with the way Barry is running one second and then borderline flying as he hit sonic boom looked ridiculous. The slow motion punch was great as it showed the impact of the sonic boom. Iris' part in taking down the bully is what stretches the belief.
The CGI has been consistently good and was shown at its best when Nora’s murderer appeared in someone’s living room with a threat! The dramatic music wasn’t quite as effective as it could have been and was a bit anti-climactic at times.

There were a few moments when Barry was put in a situation where he could be found out. He manages to lie his way out of it or change the subject but is an awful liar! His vocals make him sound guilty and like a small kid who’s just been caught doing something wrong by their parents. His face freezes in whatever expression he was pulling at the time as he tries not to give his emotions away. It's hard to tell if this is good or bad acting on Gustin’s part, but everyone has their tells and his acting hasn’t been a problem yet.
Everyone's appreciative of some good bad puns (and if they're not, they should be! - Ed.) which this episode managed to slip a few of in to the show, along with jokes about Barry being slow and needing to work on his speed. They're awful, but they add a more lighthearted tone to the proceedings.