The Flash is back after a week’s break with Barry continuing to learn about his new powers and facing continued problems that are clearly going to lead to something bigger later in the series.

The show feels like a mix between Arrow and Smallville. Both leads have a gang of intelligent or talented friends to help them save the day, Iris is almost a clone of Laurel and everything seems to centre within the one city. This isn’t to say that it’s a bad thing, but it’s not entirely unique as many of these ideas have been done before.
Iris is very similar to Laurel in the way that she has become obsessed over this hero. Whereas Laurel was a lawyer, Iris is a journalist who posts her hobby on a blog. The more involved she gets with this, the more dangerous her life becomes yet she hasn’t the sense to realise that The Flash is making enemies and could target her for information?

With Barry’s increased metabolism, he can no longer get drunk. Just to prove this theory correct, he, Cisco and Caitlin think it’s a great idea for them to down as many shots as possible. If drinking and driving is dangerous, how dangerous would it be for The Flash to run quickly? It’s a good thing pedestrians don’t have to find out.

The show has started out strong and it looks like we may finally be starting to move away from Barry learning to use his powers as the major storyline. The increase of interest in Iris’ blog is interesting and could lead to all kinds of arcs but could also be a bit cliché if taken in the wrong direction.