For DC television fans, it’s not long to wait until the upcoming Arrow spinoff, The Flash, begins. Last week we got to see the teaser trailer, and now we’ve been given more details about the series, along with hints as to the villains Barry Allen will be facing following his power-giving accident. So, what did the creators tell us at the Television Critics Association press tour?

It’s those type of Easter eggs which DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns and executive producers Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg are so keen on keeping in for fans. There’s a Gorilla Grodd reference in the pilot episode that the producers fought to include. The Easter eggs aren’t just there for fans to smile at, but instead each one is leading to a bigger overall picture.

If that's not enough, Arrow character Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) will also appear in episode four of The Flash alongside the introduction of Miller. In an episode where Barry and his teammates aren't quite working as a team, Felicity will come along to offer advice to all of the characters about what it's like being in a crime-fighting team.
But DC aren't planning on going down the Marvel route with their TV shows playing into the wider cinematic universe. Johns said, “At DC, we really see film and TV as separate worlds. Arrow and Flash create a huge DC universe for us. And it's going to live and breathe and grow.”
Excited for Flash? Can’t wait for episode four (Cold Captain AND Felicity Smoak in one episode)? Let us know in the comments below!