So, I have been given the momentous task of reviewing the Doctor Who 50th anniversary. It was the most anticipated TV episode of the year. Something that has been 50 years in the making. An episode that broke a Guinness world record. An episode that brought millions of fans, old and young, together to celebrate the 50th birthday of Doctor Who, the greatest Sci-Fi show that has ever been created (in my opinion anyway.)
Meanwhile we are introduced to the War Doctor (John Hurt) who, in the middle of the Time-War, decided he wanted to detonate a weapon of mass destruction called ‘The Moment’ that would destroy the whole of Gallifrey, including both Time Lords and Daleks, effectively ending the time war. However the device possesses a conscience and takes the form of Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) in the form of Bad Wolf. She tries to make the War Doctor understand what the consequences of detonating the devise would be, and this is when the paths of the time lords start to intertwine, first with the 11th Doctor running into the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) in Elizabethan England. The 10th Doctor and Elizabeth I are under threat by the Zygons, who are the recurring aliens in this episode. The plot follows the three doctors as they attempt to stop the Zygons from taking over earth, stop Kate from blowing up London and trying to figure out a way of stopping the time war without destroying Gallifrey.
Also, there have been many Whovians who have taken a partial dislike to Steven Moffat, the producer, with claims that he was sexist, predicatable and stereotypical, as well as sexualising Doctor Who too much. However this episode was his strongest one yet. To many, he had something to prove, with the opinion that he should never have taken over from Russell T Davis, many viewers thought the quality of the show went downhill. I think it went a bit more wibbly wobbly, never really quite a stable quality. However when the stakes were highest, he managed to pull it out of the bag.
I am amongst the millions waiting in comprehension for the Christmas special. I definitely am not ready to say goodbye to Matt Smith, however just that one shot of Peter Capaldi’s stern stare is enough to make anyone giddy about his Doctor prospects. Plus, I can’t wait to join the Doctor in his adventure to find Gallifrey.
Gallifrey falls no more!