The highly anticipated Star Wars themed episode of The Big Bang Theory has arrived, and it’s an agreeable mix of sombre events and light-hearted humour, which balance out the episode, not making it too dark or heavy. Assisting in the episode creation is LucasFilms, and as expected, the Star Wars-related puns are out in full force, and there are a couple of great ones involving food from Howard and Raj; and continuing the food theme is Bernadette and Amy, who concoct a Star Wars ‘Death Star’ cake.

Also on the cards for character progression were Leonard and Penny, who are pulled closer together through the death of Arthur, by attending the funeral together, in the absence of Sheldon. It was satisfying to see the topic of regret coming up in conversation between the two, and for Leonard to say he regrets not saying yes to Penny’s proposal ties up a loose end in the series (even if Penny said it wasn’t the right time). This moment of emotion is of course, combated with some light humour, with the two keeping score on who has proposed the most times. Whilst it is never clear what direction Penny and Leonard’s relationship is going in, this would seem to be a positive sign for progression in their relationship, and perhaps they can move forward with it.