with contribution by Jenny Mullinder and William John
As Black Books’ Fran Katzenjammer once put it, “Sex! Sexy sex!” Unless you’re Jesus - in which case, this article probably isn’t for you! - it’s likely the reason why you’re here. Television, from raunchy HBO dramas to the cheesiest soap operas, is full of sex. Continuing on from our post on great sex scenes from cinema, today I’m With Geek shares with you ten fabulously raunchy romps of the small screen. In no particular order, let’s get it on:

Chosen by Hayley Charlesworth
I have many reasons for including this scene, but my main one is that it depicts a man performing oral sex on a woman. How often do you see that in mainstream film and television?
Very rarely, is the answer, and god knows why because this scene is incredibly sexy. I also have to praise Iwan Rheon’s performance here. The distinction between Simon and Future Simon is obvious, but there are no changes to his appearance to signify this. Rheon subtly changing Simon’s body language and tone of voice transforms the awkward, vaguely creepy Simon we’re familiar with to the sexy and mysterious man that Alisha falls in love with. Antonia Thomas is equally brilliant as Alisha, excellently playing Alisha reconciling her desire for Future Simon against the man she knows.

Chosen by Heather Stromski
Charles Brandon is the Duke of Suffolk and one of the King's best friends; and Princess Margaret is the King's sister. When the princess' new husband mysteriously dies after she weds him, Charles and Margaret decide to marry - without the permission of their King.
After the King learns of their marriage, he banishes them from court, which leads to a very drunk Margaret becoming violent toward her new husband, and violence can breed a whole different sort of passion when two people are inclined in such a direction. Why is this a favourite of mine? The chemistry between Henry Cavill's Charles Brandon and Gabrielle Anwar's Princess Margaret is palpable. They both bring such passion and energy to the characters, and you can feel the sparks when these two butt heads and, eventually, come together. Out of all their scenes together, though, this is my favourite overall because...well...angry sex. Do I really need to say anything more?

Chosen by Jenny Mullinder
The cave scene in Game of Thrones is possibly one of the best sex scenes I've ever seen anywhere. The implication without any portrayal is all the audience!
We start with Ygritte running away with Jon's sword, so he has to chase after her, right into a big, warm cave with a hot spring (in the middle of the snow and wilderness?) She is teasing him, and begins to take off the (many) layers to reveal her naked body to him, telling him that if he is really no longer a crow he will break his vows by sleeping with her. Of course the tension between them is boiling, so it doesn't take a lot of persuading for him to agree. At first he resists her kiss, but as soon as he gives in, he gives completely. Fade to the two of them, lying naked on the cave floor, seemingly in a state of bliss. Ygritte remarks on 'the thing he did with his mouth.' They talk, and eventually jump into the water, with Ygritte declaring ‘I don’t ever want to leave this cave Jon Snow, not ever’.
What I love most about this scene is the playfulness between the two of them, and how quickly turns tender. It’s not a wild, rough sex scene, it’s delicate and emotional. He looks into her eyes, and he is won over. The moment where she stands in front of him, completely naked, he remarks ‘we shouldn’t’ and she simply responds ‘we should’ encompasses the whole of their dynamic. He gives in to her so completely, and that is why it is my favourite TV sex scene.

Chosen by Hayley Charlesworth
Russell T Davies’ ground-breaking late-90s drama holds a very unique title in television history. It contains the longest gay sex scene ever seen on TV. Not only that, but it was one of the most graphic, controversial, and erotic sex scenes on the small screen to date.
The landmark moment was a complete game-changer for LGBT depictions in the media, and a very unlikely precursor to the Doctor Who revival. In the scene, Canal Street’s biggest playboy, Stuart Alan Jones (The Wire and Game of Thrones fans will recognise him as Tommy Carcetti and Littlefinger), high on drugs and the birth of his son, takes naïve virgin Nathan Maloney (played by the new Christian Grey himself, Charlie Hunnam) back to his apartment and performs all manner of sexual acts with him, all on screen.
Shocking enough for 1999, but now take into account that Nathan is 15 years old and Stuart is 29. (Charlie Hunnam, quite obviously, was older.) To put into perspective how controversial this scene was, the US remake aged its Nathan character, Justin, up to 17, and it was still scandalous.

Chosen by Heather Stromski
In one of the first instances that we see of Sam liking someone he really probably shouldn't, following a lot of stress that included Madison clawing Sam's face up and his tying her to a chair - what some would really consider foreplay, hello - once Sam and Dean think they've managed to cure Madison of her little werewolf problem, Sam's about to be the nice guy and get himself out of her hair. Madison, however, appears to have another idea in mind, and the next thing we know, she's pinned against the wall, and all thoughts of being the nice guy seem to be gone.
Unfortunately, Supernatural is a network TV show, which means we don't get to see any of the really good parts, but there's plenty of biting and nail-raking to go around. This also sort of serves as the jumping off point for the phenomenon known as 'Everyone Sam Sleeps With Dies'.

Chosen by Hayley Charlesworth
I really wanted to use a scene with my favourite television vampire, Hal, for Being Human, but as far as I can recall, he never got a sex scene of his own. So I went for his predecessor. This scene between ghost Annie and vampire Mitchell is one of the most interesting on this list.
As a ghost, Annie can’t have sex, but as her powers develop, she gains the ability to experience the feelings of a human having sex through touch. To get around this, they plan for Mitchell to bring home another girl, and have Annie touch her while they have sex. Weird enough as it is, and it all begins as entertainingly awkward. But the problem is, at this point in the show, Mitchell is majorly struggling with keeping his bloodlust under control, and what begins as awkward and funny quickly becomes dark and troubling. And still bizarrely hot. Or maybe that’s just me.

Chosen by Hayley Charlesworth
I am absolutely spoiled for choice when it comes to Orange is the New Black, just for the pairing of Piper and Alex alone, never mind all the other great characters and relationships.
I chose this particular scene because, as well as being very sexy and awesomely soundtracked, Piper’s strip tease for Alex and their encounter afterwards are the catalyst for the whole series. Agreeing to go to Bali with Alex in the throes of passion is what eventually lands in prison having lots of lovely lady sex instead of marrying Jason Biggs.

Chosen by Heather Stromski
Over the course of the lone season of Firefly, we see the dancing around one another that Captain Mal Reynolds and the Companion Inara Serra do. It's apparent to pretty much everyone that they're in love with each other... everyone except them, that is.
That's what makes the love scene between Mal and Nandi, one of Inara's oldest friends, all the more poignant - because it's apparent to Nandi, too. Some might wonder why she would want him, knowing that, but Nandi trained as a Companion herself and runs a whorehouse. Aside from simply having a desire for him, sex is one of the comforts she knows how to offer, and it's only too obvious that Mal needed the comfort of a woman not afraid to show she wants him.
Their lovemaking is full of a slow, sweet passion that's all about the moment, and nothing else. It's what comes after that really hits the emotion factor, though - when Inara catches Mal leaving Nandi's room. She puts on her brave face, but our heart breaks for her when she loses her composure, the knowledge of what she's lost out on by being too cautious hitting her hard.

Chosen by Hayley Charlesworth
I asked a friend of mine to summarise this scene for me. Her reply was simply; “SWEET JESUS, HOT BEAUTIFUL GRAPHIC SEX!”
It will come as no surprise to anyone who is even vaguely aware of Spartacus that the sex is just as graphic as the violence. What may be surprising is my friend’s other description, “beautiful”. Agron and Nasir, or Nagron as they are known, quickly became one of the most popular pairings in the show, judging by the number of tumblr gifsets dedicated to them.
This scene is a particular highlight of their relationship because it contains one of my favourite tropes: jealousy sex. Jealous of another man flirting with Nasir, Agron beats the man to a (rather tame for this show) bloody pump and smashes a pot in slow motion, before Agron and Nasir’s yelling turns into sweet declarations of love. And then the aforementioned beautiful graphic sex.

Chosen by Heather Stromski
We begin with seeing Sarah watching videos of Beth, who Sarah has recently witnessed killing herself just after noticing that the woman looks just like her, to learn her mannerisms and take over her life, in order to get enough money to disappear with her daughter. What Sarah did not expect was to see Paul, Beth's boyfriend, walking in. Running into the issue of being face to face with someone who knows Beth better than anyone, Sarah is forced to think quick on her feet, and launches herself into the one thing that will most likely guarantee the man shutting up.
Whether she actually intended on having sex with him when she kissed him is unknown, but that was certainly where it ended, as she took charge, pushing him back on the countertop and stripping herself bare in front of a man she didn't know from Adam.

Chosen by Hayley Charlesworth
Josh Thomas’ excellent semi-autobiographical sitcom has not yet reached UK shores (it has aired to critical acclaim in both its native Australia, and in the US), and that is a real shame, because this is one of the funniest, most excellently awkward love scenes I have seen all year, and possibly ever. The only reason this receives an honourable mention is that sex does not actually take place. The scene shows the awkward and sarcastic Josh, who only realised he was gay the previous episode, preparing for his first time with a man with the intense and strange Geoffrey. Hilariously sound-tracked by Prokofiev’s Dance of the Knights (you may know it as The Apprentice music), with his friends stony-faced in the next room, Josh wrestles with his desire for Geoffrey and his fear of, in his own words, “putting something in his bum”. Riotous viewing, and probably the most true-to-life of this entire list.
Editor's Pick

Chosen by William John
Dexter has shown us some pretty damn hot sex scenes over the course of its eight year run, but none got me quite as hot under the collar as the incredibly raunchy moment between Dexter and kill-to-be Hannah McKay. It seems to come from nowhere: Serial Killer Hannah is strapped, naked to Dexter's kill table. After some extreme flirting earlier in the episode, which seemed like simple feigning on Dexter's part, he looms over with his blade and she defiantly stands her ground, daring him. A moment later he's sliced her bonds away and they're all over each other, at it like Lannisters. Stark-bollock naked, we watch as Dexter goes from stalking a murderer (albeit an incredibly hot Yvonne Strahovski) to shagging one.
Is YOUR favourite TV Sex Scene on this list? Have a different opinion? Let us know below or on Facebook and Twitter; #SexyGeek