Perishable is revealed in the first of this double bill of Teen Wolf episodes, with the fallout taking place in the second before an even greater threat is revealed. But with a solid A-story running throughout season four coming to its climax so soon, Teen Wolf’s long standing shortcomings in terms of pacing come to a head yet again. Yes, it’s unfortunate to say that one of Teen Wolf’s best plots so far has fallen down by being so rushed.

In Monstrous, the majority of the Pack, along with Chris Argent, are on a mission to protect all of the Beacon Hills supernaturals from an onslaught of an attack, with Derek declaring that anyone who attacks them gets put on their own deadpool. Lydia, along with the Sheriff and Parrish, are tasked with getting Meredith to talk, but she will only talk to one person. As Stiles and Malia discover the secrets of Lydia’s lakehouse, where a hidden computer is transmitting the messages from the Benefactor, it is revealed that Meredith’s head was filled with madness and the idea for the deadpool from being in the hospital bed next to a comatose Peter Hale following the Hale fire, driven mad by his deranged thoughts. With Stiles and Malia destroying the transmission, and Meredith finally receiving some help, it seems the threat of the Benefactor is over... Or is it?

The Benefactor storyline has remained the main focus throughout, and the shortened season four has allowed for this to happen. The problem with this is that other storylines are either: underexplored, for example the money troubles that the McCalls, Stilinskis and Martins are all facing; picked up and dropped on a whim, such as Derek’s relationship with Braeden and turning human, Peter and Kate’s alliance, the search for Malia’s mother, and Liam’s coming to terms with being a werewolf; or just forgotten completely, like the Yukimuras’ plans to leave Beacon Hills or the threat of the Calaveras. The latter is a particular disappointment given that, despite the Benefactor storyline being so gripping, Araya Calavera remains Teen Wolf’s most interesting villain.

It’s not at all a bad place for Teen Wolf to be in, and on the whole, we enter the final two episodes of the season on a strong note, but the pacing is just too poor to be ignored. That said, there are still some fascinating questions to be answered: just what is Parrish? When will the Calaveras strike, and when they do, who will they side with? Why the hell is Derek human now? With any luck, these are questions that will carry over to season five, where the longer episode run will give them the space to be fully realised.