Well, The Werther Project was certainly . . . delicious, to quote Rowena, and a hell of a lot more enjoyable than The Sorrows of Young Werther (which, frankly, is a book that should be burnt). Not only was this episode a shining example of what Supernatural can do when it really puts its mind to it, but it also continued to push all the pieces on the chessboard into position in preparation for this season’s grand finale. Whatever happens, it’s sure to be dark.

Hallucinations have always been an enjoyable trip on Supernatural, and The Werther Project continues this tradition, all while trying to convince the Winchesters to commit suicide. Our resident diseased killer puppy continued to BAMF his way through the episode, taking six vampires out solo and generally causing Sam to go grey with worry. However, keeping the Mark satisfied is a very real concern for Dean and, while under the Werther curse, we get to see him grapple with his current fate. It’s a compelling performance from Ackles, and Dean’s assurance that he could end it all if it came to it is all the more satisfactory for this. Additionally, it’s great to see Ty Olsson back as Benny, and his easy chemistry and camaraderie with Ackles makes them fun to watch in the familiar Purgatory landscape.

Speaking of Rowena. That accent. That hair. Those dresses. Surely everyone’s fallen under her spell by now. Poor thing’s locked up in chains by the end of the episode, but it’s reassuring to see Sam’s not underestimating the devil he’s climbed in bed with. It’s a shame she wants to see Crowley dead, but the chances of that ever happening are pretty slim and will lead to some juicy drama in the meantime.
Next week sees us back with Claire Novak as she enlists Team Free Will to help track down and save her mother.