This week’s episode follows on almost directly from last week’s cliffhanger, the crew of the Ghost are being chased by The Inquisitor and a squad of TIE-Fighters who are determined to reclaim the Imperial secrets stored inside the head of a fugitive Rodian.

Interspersed with this is the rest of the crew of the Ghost and their part in the adventure. Tasked with escorting the fugitive Rodian to a site where they can transfer him to the mysterious Fulcrum. At the time of writing, little is known about this character. Only a heavily distorted voice has been heard, and only Hera has had any contact with him (or her). However, it seems highly likely that this character will be a member of the Rebel Alliance (my money’s on Senator Organa). It is either that or Star Wars Rebels is building up for a massive plot-twist, where we find out that Hera has actually been working for the Empire all along, and Fulcrum is an Imperial agent sent to quash the rebellion before it has even begun.

Overall, a fun conclusion to what was set up last week. Ezra’s character development made him a more interesting character and the possibilities of who Fulcrum may be adds another level of intrigue to the entire story.