Star Wars is unforgettable. Those geeks truly affected by the film series have held onto that torch like a flickering light saber beacon. So much so that when these fellow nerds go into filmmaking and art themselves, they choose to uphold their love by parodying it in their show. After all, the quotes and the quips from the legendary series make up 99% of our pop culture. Here are some of the best ones.

Spaced is a fanboy’s programme that is an homage to movies, comics and more. It is one big reference fest. Tim, much like creator's Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, is an adamant Star Wars fan. Throughout the short lived television series (that should have had longer and more series, just saying,) Star Wars is referenced a lot including Tim’s vehement hatred towards The Phantom Menace and the prequels. Even to the extent of getting fired over it. Then there is the use of much throughout the shows, including the dramatic turn for Colin’s rescue and the constant quoting of the film series. Spaced even has a cover, poster and illustrations that set all the characters up as one of the most famous Star Wars posters of all time.

Similarly to Spaced, Community is one of those shows that likes taking movies, television shows and heck, even documentaries to parody. It is only natural then that a show like Community (a show that everyone should watch,) should reference the biggest movie franchise of all time. The episode centres on an epic paintball match where even some players look like Stormtroopers. Funny and chaotic as sides battle each other with little balls of paint, Community hilarious nails not only the Star Wars jokes but also manages to send up Westerns too. It's fast paced, hits all the right plays and makes quips so hilarious that you’ll be struggling for breath.

In nearly every sitcom, you will always find a character who loves Star Wars. The guys in How I Met Your Mother, the entire Big Bang Theory crew and of course, Friends. While it isn’t so much a parody and more a massive reference, it would still be silly not to mention the greatest sitcom of all time. The entire episode “The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy” revolves around Ross and Chandler discussing sexual fantasies. Ross is all about the Princess Leia slave outfit for Rachel and Chandlers sexual problems revolve around his mother. There are a lot of references including Phoebe and some buns. And Jennifer Aniston looks ridiculous attractive in the suit. None of this fully compares to Christina Pickles in the get up though.

No parody episode article would be complete if we didn’t talk abut Family Guy. They have masterfully done three extra lengthy episodes in homage to the original series; Blue Harvest, Something Something Dark Side and It’s A Trap. It starts off as Peter telling his family the story of Star Wars after their lights go out. What ensues is all the characters in certain roles (including Meg as some ugly monsters) and jokes about the plot. Some may like Family Guy and some find it pointless, offensive and unfunny. These series of episodes were genuinely hysterical adding a new cleverness to the show that it would later squander. It also has my favourite Strawberry Fields joke in the entire world.

Similarly to Family Guy, Robot Chicken has done a numerous amount of send ups to the great series. However, many would argue that Robot Chicken did it better and one of the most famous scenes has gone on to become a viral video. Told through claymation, Robot Chicken’s Star Wars is hilarious and fun all at the same time. They have the characters spot on all the while , still poking fun at them too…