Star Wars: Rebels is the latest animated addition to the Star Wars franchise, to begin airing on Disney XD in Autumn 2014. It is set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and is the first entry to the new Star Wars canon. But what else do we know?

Rebels is a CGI-animated series, featuring the voices of Freddie Prinze Jr, Taylor Gray, Steve Blum, Tiya Sircar, and Vanessa Marshall as the rag-tag team of rebels, headed by Prinze’s Kanan Jarrus, a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge. His team include Ezra, a fourteen-year-old con artist, Zeb, based on the initial designs for Chewbacca, weapons expert Sabine, and pilot Hera. The series is to begin with a one-hour special, after which it will air regularly on Disney XD.

UPDATED - Below is the first full trailer for Star Wars: Rebels.