Sleepy Hollow first graced our screens in September 2013. The show follows Ichabod Crane who died in the 1800s but reawakened in the modern day due to witchcraft. The show encompasses some well-known people from the past, witches, monsters, demons and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Ichabod teams up with local police officer Abbie Mills and together they combat evil to prevent the end of the world. This leads to hidden plots from hundreds of year previous being uncovered, whilst Ichabod is trying to adjust to contemporary society and electricity.
Season two begins in a highly confusing manner as it is a year on and Abbie and Ichabod are celebrating his birthday. It remains as dark as the first season, if not darker, as the show revolves around demonic forces, with it being revealed that an evil entity is manipulating their minds and they are still trapped. Jenny is Henry’s (John Noble) captive and Katrina is the prisoner of Abraham/the Horseman of Death.
Tom Mison’s acting is always superb as he plays an old fashioned man from simpler times in a world of technology, metaphors and laws that he is not accustomed to, as shown when he doesn’t understand the concept of making a wish and blowing out birthday candles. He keeps a stiff but polite manner which can come across as amusing, especially when he is venting about his personal experiences with people from his past, one of these being Benjamin Franklin.
Though the show follows dark and serious storylines, the writers always manage to input funny, and sometimes ridiculous, lines or actions in to the scripts, such as Benjamin Franklin being in his birthday suit as he meets up with an uncomfortably stunned Ichabod, or Ichabod’s obvious contempt towards the man in current times as they are searching for the key to Purgatory.
The Sleepy Hollow stories can become very convoluted, especially if you don't give it 100% of your attention while it’s on, but the special effects and acting can never be faulted, hence the cult following. It also spins a unique story from the original Sleepy Hollow and the four Horseman of the Apocalypse into a fantastical tale that everyone should watch.