Guest starring Patrick J Adams from Suits, in a completely unnecessary though fun cameo.
This week, the episode begins with a very short but very funny and much needed road trip promised at the end of the last episode. Helena and Sarah are off to Cold River, but along the way we get to see what they could have been – sisters. We see them bond, annoy each other – well Helena annoys Sarah – but Sarah can’t stay mad at her for long. It’s, to be honest, lovely. Sarah has needed to see Helena as more than just the killer of last season, and Helena needs to see that someone can be on her side.

She goes to a bar, proceeds to make a fool of the big burly guys trying to hit on her and is rescued by Jesse. With Jesse, Helena realises she can be anyone and proceeds to spin a tale of lies – of the things she wishes she was. She also beats him in several arm-wrestling matches, which was fun to watch too! While she’s enjoying herself for the first time in the show’s run, Mark, the creepiest of the creepy Prolethans arrives. Hot on his heels is Paul, there to make a deal for the two of them to take their clones and leave the other alone – like Sarah and Helena are things to be had, which yes, in the grand scheme of the show they are considered as such by the Prolethans and Dyad. It’s a barter by two men who believe they have the right to Helena and Sarah, despite the power the women on this show wield in the narrative. But the other contrast is, Jesse who, through the scene, treats Helena like a woman – respectfully compared to pretty much everyone else around her at this bar.
Alison returns this week – she’s in rehab undergoing therapy when who should walk in but Vic. The most superfluous character next to Angie. He’s actually working for Angie, trying to get dirt on Alison while inside the rehab centre. Do two superfluous characters make one marginally relevant character? Only time will tell!
Scott, Cosima’s friend who’s been helping her on the sly with blood testing suddenly finds himself with a job at the Dyad Institute – and once his confidentiality agreement is signed he says the blood samples he’s been testing aren’t from the clones, but from someone related to the clones – Kira? And yes, he knows about the clones, but not that Cosima is one of them. Delphine though asks him not to tell Cosima.
We have another odd partnership – or maybe extremely logical one – Art goes to check up on Felix at Sarah’s request. Felix is drunk and gropes Art before he promptly passes out. When he awakes, he sees Art has taken over his apartment and is putting together everything from Maggie Chen’s locker in a effort to build a picture of what they’re dealing with.

Duncan's a sad creature. He loved Rachel and believed in what he and his wife were doing for a time until Leekie and the Neolutionists inside Dyad turned Rachel against him and killed Susan. The project began as a military project before Dyad offered the Duncans the money and the facilities to continue their work after the military cut their funding. Duncan has only ever considered Rachel “real” and the other clones these abstract ideas or “girls”. Rachel is the one he loved and the one that turned against him in the end. Sarah tries to convince him to help them because Cosima, and all the remaining clones are sick.
This is just past the halfway mark for the season, and while there are more questions, we do have some answers. Everything is coming full circle – back to Dyad and Leekie.