Geeks all over the UK rejoice - Once Upon a Time is back on our screens with a brand new series! You can head back to the quaint town of Storybrooke every Sunday on Channel 4 and I’m With Geek will be there every step of the way!

Two horses speed across a desolate wasteland. Surging towards an abandoned castle. A man and his companion hack their way through overgrown thorns to reach a beautiful woman deeply asleep. After a word to his companion to not tell her everything, Philip kisses his Sleeping Beauty. The Enchanted Forest has woken up after twenty-eight years in a frozen state. Malificent and the others are gone but there are new dangers now.
The purple smoke clears, Snow and Charming and the residents of Storybrooke wake up and a shellshocked Emma is finally re-united with her parents. Then Grumpy asks the most pressing questions; if the curse is broken why are they still here? What was the purple smoke? Magic, says the Blue Fairy, or Mother Superior if you prefer the Storybrooke names. Magic has returned.

He’d better get in line though. Half of Storybrooke are furious. Regina cursed them and stole their lives and they’re after blood. Emma and the gang race to help. Magic is back which means Regina might have her powers again. The enraged residents could be walking into a bloodbath.
Back in Fairytale land an evil undead creature attacks the trio. Philip’s companion - a warrior named Mulan - fights the creature off, chopping off it’s amulet in the process. As Philip stoops to lift the medallion, Mulan tells them just what they’re dealing with.
“The Qui-shen, the Wraith, is one of the most dangerous creatures in all the known lands.. a soul-sucker. According to legend, it marks its victims and removes their souls; damning them for all eternity.”

The angry mob, led by Doctor Whale, has reached Regina’s door and she’s ready for them. They wanted to see their Queen? Well here she is! She prepares to strike a deadly curse but... Can’t. She’s powerless. As the horde converges the Swan/While family arrive just in time. Charming tries to make Whale back down but he’s having none of it; Charming isn’t his Prince. Which raises a new question; just who is he?
Locked up in a cell for her own safety, The Queen is visited by Rumple. She kept Belle alive to kill her when it suited her. A fate worse than death. Which is what he has in store for her. With his gloved hand, he presses a medallion into her hand. She’s marked too.
However the hat won’t work. It needs magic. In an effort to help, Emma Swan is forced to make a terrible sacrifice, followed quickly by her mother Snow. Leaving a heartbroken Charming stranded and alone...
The Premier episode of Once Upon a Time answers some of the questions left over from last season whilst carefully sewing the seeds for the rest of the current one; Who’s Doctor Whale? How will magic affect the sleepy little town and who the hell is that guy in New York?
The most captivating character for me this episode was Prince Charming. The reunion scene with his daughter was suitably touching and is guaranteed to induce emotion but, take my advice, keep an eye on his face - you’ll see he cares for his daughter just as much as Snow does.

While the idea of a wraith (which looks suspiciously like a Dementor) is a very worn-out theme in fantasy, it was quite effective in setting events in motion; creating new conflicts and new goals to overcome.
The dialogue and interplay between characters is incredible and you really get the sense that feelings run deep. Emma’s bewilderment at her parents being fairytale characters - and most likely the same age as her - is completely believable and you can truly believe just how flummoxed she is by the fantastical things that are happening around her.
If the opening episode is anything to go by, season two of Once Upon a Time looks set to be a belter! Join us next week for We Are Both.