Kicking things off, Will and Anastasia are mid-jump through the magic mirror to Wonderland when they are caught in the act by her mother…
The following lecture about how she’s a failure, throwing her life away, not princess material, can’t live on love etc etc is almost expected. But she concludes her rant with “the only way you’ll be coming back into my house is with a bucket to empty my chamberpot…”
Lovely. Shall we move on to find out what happened next…
Now stocked up on bread for the next two weeks, Will thinks their problems are sorted. But Anastasia clearly wanted more, and now wants to steal the crown jewels before returning to the Enchanted Forest and her mother. She’s given it a lot of thought, but Will’s not keen.
The King catches Anastasia in the act when stealing the crown jewels… what possessed her to try? What does a peasant need with jewels? He doesn’t believe she was meant for a life of thievery and he’s willing to give the crown to her as part of their marriage. She has ‘the drive to be more than you are’ and that is a most elusive thing …
Love is a noble thing – but how far will it get you? Good question.
Anastasia is presented to the kingdom, in a trademark red dress, as Will looks on - heartbroken.
Only the pure of heart shall make the leap and Alice relies on her love of Cyrus to walk across the deep canyon but after a few steps she falls into the dark beneath. At the bottom she finds dead bodies, dusty skeletons and a lot of rocks. Strange echoes call to her and from the shadows emerges young Alice (Millie Bobby Brown), a representation of her conscience. She tempts Alice with killing the Queen in revenge for Cyrus and justice. We’ve been good our whole life; she’s been bad. She’s a Queen and we’re suffering. Alice raises her sword and swings at the defenceless Queen.
But it was a test. Her sword falls short - someone needs to make her pay for what she’s done, but it won’t be Alice. Young Alice congratulates her on her choice and shatters to become the magic dust they were seeking. It is proof that Alice is not like the Queen.
Everything the Red Queen ever had she had to take. Nobody ever gave her anything which is her excuse for taking the pouch of magic dust away with her. Luckily though Alice saved for herself, never fully trusting the Queen, win win!
Cyrus swings out of the cage and fights the guard, knocking him down the tower shaft. He throws the keys to his caged friend but he purposely drops them – he’ll slow Cyrus down. Jafar won’t kill him though… who is he? The Sultan? Aladdin? Hopefully this will be answered soon.
While his prisoners are escaping, Jafar (Naveen Andrews) is hosting the White Rabbit (John Lithgow). Why did he betray Alice? Who does Alice love/who can he use against her? He wants intel!
Rabbit: “Well she enjoys tea parties…“
Unfortunately for him, Jafar needed something more than than and cuts off the White Rabbit’s foot as punishment. He can repair it if he tells him something useful in under a minute.
Rabbit: “Well there is someone, but he’s not in Wonderland…” Her father perhaps?
Anyway the episode ends with the Queen using the magic dust to return Will to flesh and blood.
Alice uses the dust to find Jafar’s palace (hidden by magic otherwise).
The white rabbit attempts to run from Jafar, and bumps into Cyrus. Both are equally intent on escape, but the Rabbit returns to the sorcerer to give Cyrus chance to escape… Jafar seems to think escape attempts are futile and death awaits – what awaits Cyrus now?
Well he emerges from the tower to a cloud of, well, clouds - the palace is quite high up. Let’s hope he doesn’t have a fear of heights…