The I'm With Geek TV Team have been watching their shows which you picked for them!
How are they getting on?
Read on to find out and help them pick their next show!

I have finished Firefly, and I think I’ve figured out why people love it so much, and why it was cancelled in the first place. Maybe the studio bosses only watched the first few episodes (which aren’t great), whereas fans keep watching until these last few episodes, where it’s alright, and forget what went before. Like Jayne – people remember the dumb lug of these last few episodes, getting endearingly excited over a hat from home, rather than the sexist douchebag of “Serenity” and “The Train Job”. It definitely did get better towards the end, I’ll admit that, and I might get round to watching Serenity in the next few weeks to tie up loose ends (although I’ve seen the film before, which may have affected my decision not to get too attached to a certain character). I still want to think about my feelings for it. When it first aired, I loved space shows like Stargate SG:1 and Star Trek Enterprise. So what about Firefly left me so cold? Damn show, giving me an existential crisis.

I didn’t have high hopes for the show, I don’t know why. At the start, Jeff and Britta annoyed me too much and all the characters felt like characters written for a show. It didn’t sit right with me. After a few more episodes, everything settled down and the acting and camerawork got better. Now I find myself wishing I attended that college because their lives are so interesting. I have a new favourite bro-mance on TV between Troy and Abed. Their end scenes together are also hilarious, random and ridiculous but you know other people would copy them if they could! Abed is my favourite character, which has greatly surprised me, as his dry manner repulsed me at first but the more I see of the show, the more layers you see of him and I think the actor is phenomenal.
All of the characters that have grown on me, although Britta is the most annoying and frustrating of the lot. I’m grateful that, so far, the relationship that was building between Britta and Jeff has been dropped. Watching that for Six Seasons (#AndAMovie! - Ed) would be cliché and irritating. I’ve just watched the Halloween episode where everyone turns into zombies and chuckling constantly while I’m typing this. I love the show and it gets me laughing every episode!

I have finally reached the end of Breaking Bad, and I still don't see what all the fuss over the series has been about. The show definitely picked up from the third season and the cinematography throughout the show has to be some of the best that I've seen, perfectly capturing the mise-en-scene, but as the final credits ran, I felt relieved to have finished rather than disappointed that I would no longer be experiencing the events of the show. Maybe I'll return one day, once things have quietened down and I have let the whole experience mull over, but right now, I can't see the show as anything but over-hyped and not worth the hassle.
I tried Better Call Saul too, it was different.