The I'm With Geek TV Team have been watching their shows which you picked for them!
How are they getting on?
Read on to find out!

Since my last NSP update, I have been battered and bruised by the experience of watching three seasons of GoT in a row. At times I found myself emotionally drained, covering my eyes in horror and disgust, cheering out loud and yes I will admit there were a couple of instances where I let out a sob. Killing off Sean Bean was a risky move, but a massive game changer setting everything in motion to a greater extremes than Bran being thrown from the tower window. The name Joffrey can never be uttered without a collection of expletives and insults, and it was a smug delight for his wedding to be uprooted in the worst possible way - the worst possible way for him anyway. And finally, if I ever have to relive the events of the Red Wedding again I will be driven to hard liquor.
Game of Thrones has been a real rollercoaster and I am thrilled that NSP gave me the opportunity and motivation to watch it. I can now officially say I am hooked and, after my exams, will be binge watching Season Five in earnest!

I’m now four episodes into Firefly and I still don’t get the love. Although it’s definitely getting better, because the two episodes I’ve watched since the last update have actually been intriguing and vaguely exciting – I didn’t even pause them once while watching to check on things like Twitter or the snooker scores! “Bushwhacked”, giving us the first proper look at the aftermath of the Reavers, had some properly heart-pounding moments. It also had great production design, mainly for the moment they find the Reavers’ victims – I’m a sucker for a good bit of gore. “Shindig” was even better. After all, it was written by Jane Espenson, and her stuff is generally pretty enjoyable. Also, the scene where Kaylee discusses mechanics with a group of men has been giffed a million times on Tumblr, so I’d seen that before. And it’s cool. Watching Firefly is giving me something of an inner crisis – why aren’t I enjoying it as much as other people seem to? Is it just an instinctive backlash against something I’ve heard so much about for the last decade? Or is it just because this is more a Western than a sci-fi show, and Westerns are my least favourite genre just behind rom-coms? Maybe it’s still because of Adam Baldwin’s dickish demeanour.

I've managed to struggle through into the third season of Breaking Bad, which is supposedly where things start to pick up. Despite this, I'm still not seeing quite why the show is the phenomenal "greatest series of our generation" that everyone else claims it to be. I really want the series to be better, and there are hints that this is starting to happen, the cinematography is stunning and the addition of Saul has brought some levity into the otherwise fairly dour proceedings, but I'm not caught up in it yet.
Cookie N Screen - Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad is held together by Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston's phenomenal performances but unlike the addicts they are selling to the whole show has failed to get me hooked. Whilst there has been dramatic moments and a little bit of drollness, by episode five I still don't get the hype. After all, it just feels like bad people doing bad things and wondering why things go wrong. I get the whole back story hit that can only stretch so far and not far enough to make me enjoy it.