James Bond is an asshole, just think about it. He’s misogynistic, an alcoholic (how many martinis can one man stomach?), he uses women and discards them like they’re chewed gum, and yet somehow everybody thinks of Bond as a hero figure. Throughout 23 movies, we still haven’t really clocked on to the fact that in real life, nobody would like Bond and his teammates would not get on with him. Well, that embodiment is essentially Sterling Archer, the titular character of Archer, FX’s animated comedy show that features a multitude of characters within ISIS, a fictional spy agency.

This animated sitcom deals with dark humour, raunchy scenes and some of the greatest running jokes and one liners ever seen on television. With such a large cast, you’d be forgiven if you immediately thought of other large ensemble sitcoms such as Arrested Development (props if you did); however large casts can often mean too much to focus upon, especially within a sitcom environment. The audience often has a hard time dealing with so many little stories, especially when all they’re tuning in for is jokes, but Archer’s fantastic writing, stories, characters and gags make this a show you need to watch immediately. It’s James Bond meets Arrested Development, primarily looking at the deception and rivalries.

Tom cheats on I’m With Geek with HateMail, a site about professional hatred.