Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television series. It began in 2011 and is currently on its third season. The story follows Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt and adds a fun and interesting twist to the original Brothers Grimm fairy tales.
The majority of the first season is Nick coming to terms with who he is and learning what it means to be a Grimm. He meets a variety of Wesen, some of whom he befriends, while his partner, Hank, does not know about that side of his life. He has a key to protect though the mystery that still has not been solved. There is a Hexenbiest, a witch type creature, named Adalind who works against Nick until he manages to strip her powers from her. As revenge, she feeds her cat a potion and takes it to her local vet, Juliet. The cat scratches Juliet, causing her to fall into a coma just as Nick is explaining his life as a Grimm and she is ready to walk away from him.
Season two introduces Captain Sean Renard, Nick’s boss, as a larger character. He finds a way to cure Juliet and wake her from her coma but this results in her forgetting all about Nick and in having a strange, uncontrollable attraction to Renard. Renard is half Hexenbiest and a bastard child of a member of the Wesen Royal Family. His half-brother and current reigning Prince, Eric, is plotting against Nick whereas Sean is trying to protect him and they team up. Adalind returns and has a one night stand with both Sean and Eric, rendering her pregnant with an unknown father, though one thing is clear: the baby will have royal blood. Juliet’s memory eventually comes back with help from Monroe and Rosalee, who grow close. At the end of the season, a Wesen known only as the ‘Baron’ has started turning people into zombie-like creatures. He infects Nick and locks him in a coffin, where it is revealed that he was working for Eric Renard.
Grimm is a fantastic and addictive show. The first few episodes of season one were pretty droll and there are a few filler episodes but once you start watching, you won’t stop. It gets the perfect balance of serious story with light hearted humour.
If you don’t already watch Grimm, you should start. Right now! It will become your new, un-missable show and your Fridays will suddenly become a lot more exciting.