Fargo toes the line of outright absurdity and humdrum normality, whilst the former is more pronounced, the latter helps to keep things flowing along and make the more absurd feel all the stranger.

I find I’m rapidly running out of ways to praise Malvo’s character; although his increasingly strengthening plot armour may be reaching ridiculous levels, his pragmatism and violently calm demeanour mitigate it entirely. His vendetta against the group working out of Fargo appears to be coming to a head, as he manages to visit the main offices without alerting two FBI agents parked outside. The camera work during this sequence is delightful, panning along the outside of the building, using only sound effects to convey what is happening. It’s a fantastic bit of cinematography that works perfectly with the scene.

This week’s episode followed up the events of last week’s snowstorm perfectly. Whilst some of the scenes may stretch your measure of belief a little bit too far, the story remains as tight as ever. As we enter the final three episodes, it’s seems there’s everything still to play for.