It’s a new episode of Fargo, the story of one man, his love of a washing machine, and the community who were trying to keep them apart.
The opening scene showing Lester receiving his new washing machine is indicative of a turning point in his life. A new washing machine, a new lease of life, so to speak.

With the introduction of a flash-forward in the final act of the episode, we are given a glimpse of how our favourite characters fare after events have run their course in Bemidji and Duluth. Admittedly, it appears that nothing of great importance has happened, but the possibility that this time-skip will continue into the next episode makes for an intriguing hook to draw people back to the show. (Though if you’re still watching now, you’re probably in it for the long haul anyway.)

The decision to refrain from including Malvo, save for two scenes, creates a nice, calm episode with very little violence. Unfortunately, Lester seems to be taking the violent role on himself in more and more disturbing ways. His reaction to being confronted at his Insurance Office is chilling, and suggests that Malvo may have found a disciple.
This week’s episode didn’t disappoint, the flash-forward breathes new life into the show, and allows for a fresh perspective on characters and what may happen next.