It’s the penultimate episode of Fargo this week, and, oh boy, is it a doozy!
Maintaining the time-skip from the previous episode, we’re given some more depth to the events of the last year for each of the characters, particularly the adventures of Malvo and Lester.

As we’ve all come to expect, Malvo is still a manipulative, cold-hearted bastard. There’s a beautiful shot of him outlined by lights, with “wings” of blood on the wall behind him. It’s a little heavy handed as metaphors go, but helps to sell his job as a “hit man for hire” quite nicely. Also of note is the scene where he visits the Nygaard’s old house, now lived in by a young family. Malvo takes the time to describe all of the vicious acts that happened in the house in great detail - to two young children, reaching unprecedented new levels of evil.

Lester’s reactions to certain stimuli are varied and over the top, his getting involved with Malvo at the beginning of the episode leads to the events throughout the rest of the show. It’s a shame that such things came to pass, however, his reaction to dealing with it encompasses a brand new level that could easily see Malvo gaining a partner in Lester before the series finishes.
As mentioned earlier, next week is the last episode. Everything is set to come to a head, and there’s still so much to cover in the show. What will happen to our beloved cadre of characters? There’s only one way to find out.