The latest instalment of Doctor Who shows our enigmatic new companion, Clara Oswin stepping out onto her first, of many I’m sure, alien landscapes but, before I get into that, is it safe to say that our good Doctor is getting just a little bit weird? Or weirder than usual I should say.
“This exact leaf had to grow in that exact way, in that exact place so that precise wind could tear it from that precise branch and make it fly into this exact face, at that exact moment. And if just one of those tiny little things had never happened. I‘d never have met you. Which makes this the most important leaf in human history.”

So, where has the Doctor taken Clara? New Earth? Messaline perhaps? No! He’s whisked her away to the rings of Akhaten. At first glance merely a collection of asteroids hurtling around a fiery star but - take a second look and you’ll find seven worlds teaming with life and all paying homage to the Pyramid of the Rings of Akhet; their belief that all universal life originated from the Pyramid and the Doctor and Clara are having a whale of a time in the melee.
That is until Clara and the Doctor, who’s having far too much fun reliving his past, are separated. While on her own, Clara encounters young Merry; the Queen of Years, one of the Sun-singers of Akhet; it’s her job to sing to the Old God to stop him waking up - and she’s terrified of getting the song wrong.

A fantastic episode from the TARDIS Team this week, with the natural easy chemistry between Doctor Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman’s Clara absolutely on fire. The dialogue delivery is incredible and Smith has an epic monologue that just made me want to stand up and applaud.
What struck me most was the episode’s attention to detail. It felt a little like watching an episode of Farscape for a moment there; a colorful planet, teaming with life, with a rich and spiritual history and young Emilia Jones was mesmerizing as the Queen of Years herself.

The pacing of this episode was fantastic and it was almost impossible to look away. Jenna-Louise Coleman handles herself extremely well this episode and makes me fall in love with her time and time again. Step aside Karen Gillan, this one might just be my favorite New-NuWho girl so far. So Clara, let’s find out who you really are!