There always have been problems at Coal Hill School. It was the setting for the very first episode of Doctor Who, as the Doctor’s grandchild, Susan Foreman, was a student there. In Remembrance of the Daleks, the Daleks set up base at the school. Now, Clara is a teacher there, and in this week’s episode the school faces the threat of a Skovox Blitzer, one of the most dangerous creatures ever created, and one that had enough ammunition to destroy the entire planet.

Considering that last week’s episode was rather fast-paced and kept you on your toes, this week’s was rather lacklustre, spending most of its time waiting around whilst they try to act out mini comedy sketches which never quite managed to hit the mark.

Other than that, it was a substandard episode. The alien and the threat it posed wasn’t very scary or dramatic, leaving the story reliant on humour to buoy it up. The Doctor's preformed opinion on soldiers does create a nice rift between him and Pink, which will hopefully lead to some delightful verbal sparring between the two in the future (or past, or present).
All in all, a very disappointing episode. Hopefully next week will bring a major improvement.