Finally, this Whovian has watched, in my opinion, a real episode of Doctor Who for the first time in years since Steven Moffat took over Production of the show.
Cold War took some of the finest aspects of the last 50 years of Who and molded it into a well crafted and wonderfully executed episode. It wasn't the best story, but it was enjoyable and more than anything else, it served a purpose - it reintroduced the terrifying Ice Warriors!
Yes, the Ice Warriors are back! After nearly 40 years off screen, the warriors of Mars returned to Doctor Who in a blaze of glory! Unlike many of the classic monster redesigns, the Ice Warriors have remained incredibly faithful to their origins and even their character.
In a story that is Alien mixed with Hunt For Red October, Cold War is Doctor Who’s survival horror on a submarine. The TARDIS has left the Doctor and Clara on their own and things go from bad to worse as the Skaldak, the seemingly final Ice Warrior slips out of his armour, something we’ve NEVER seen before!
“I have never seen one out of its armour before.”
-The Doctor
Skaldak strikes an alliance with Lieutenant Stepashin, who allows Skaldak to take out the crew one by one, learning more about humans and how to kill them more efficiently. Having sent a failed signal for his Martian Brethren to come collect him, Skaldak is trapped on Earth and comes to realize it.
We see classic elements from science fiction and other Doctor Who stories, such as 42. However Gatiss masks them nicely. Clara comes into her own twice in this episode, volunteering to confront Skaldak face to face and later as she strikes up a friendship with Professor Grisenko in a beautiful scene as she comes to terms with the brutal murders she’s witnessed and we finally see a vulnerable side to the feisty girl twice dead.
The Ice Warrior wants to bring about the end of Earth in revenge for its treatment at the hands of the humans. Through this we see some interesting updates to the Ice Warrior armor and abilities as Grand Marshall Skaldak recalls his armor and suits up. The Doctor and Clara stall him from starting World War Three and in the last moments a Martian ship arrives to recover Skaldak and also lift the submarine to the surface. The Doctor then has a Jack Ryan moment as he attempts to disarm the nuclear warheads before Skaldak gives the order from the Martian ship and ends the threat. All’s well that ends well, the Doctor and Clara are reunited with the TARDIS (kind of) and 1980’s Russians learn that the universe is a bit bigger than normal. We are also bombarded with a chuck full of 1980’s goodness such as Hungry Like the Wolf and Ultravox.
It is no secret that I personally am not a fan of the new era/new Doctor and Creative Team of Doctor Who but even Cold War won my heart and was able to melt my coldness towards Moffat and company. Maybe it’ll last… who knows?