Doctor Who exploded back onto our screens in 2005 following a nine year break after the film was released. The show was brought back with Christopher Eccleston in the title role, but sadly he only stayed one series, and at the end of that, the beloved Scotsman David Tennant took over the role, and stole the hearts of several fans, old and new.

The Tenth Doctor carried far more regret than any of his predecessors, and that was a recurring theme with the incarnation. In Journey’s End, he remembered all of those who have died for him or because of him, and even in the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor, he is referred to as “The Man Who Regrets”. He was one of the most emotional Doctors, frequently criticised for all the scenes in which he cries, starts apologising etc. but it’s what made this incarnation more human. Much like his predecessor, this Doctor spent a large amount of time on Earth, and his companions had a large impact on him, most notably Rose Tyler.

So all in all, The Tenth Doctor was arguably the most human of all the Doctors (especially in The Family of Blood, in which he literally was human), and whilst that didn’t please everyone, David Tennant made a mark on new fans of the show. Everyone has their Doctor, the man who played the role when they watched it young, and for my generation, David Tennant was a lot of people’s Doctor, and will always be loved greatly.

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