Easily the most polarising Doctor, Colin Baker had the toughest time as the titular hero. During a time of scrutiny from those at the top of the BBC (we’re looking at you, Michael Grade!), the shows producers decided to take a bold, if futile step away from the wacky, heroic Timelord we were used to, by making the sixth Doctor a far darker, angrier and more ferocious character. Despite portraying one of the most compelling incarnations of the Doctor, Baker’s time was cut short when the show was unceremoniously, indefinitely cancelled and he himself fired.

From his first line, an air of arrogance and self assurance gave us a clear indication that this was not the kindly man we once knew, and despite one of the worst post-regeneration stories ever produced, having your new Doctor attempt to strangle his companion due to regenerative trauma was a brave choice that cemented our new characters personality. So, with this in mind, who-oh-why would you dress him like a clown?! In recent years, Colin Baker has stated that he suggested a far more sombre, almost completely black outfit, similar to Ecclestone's ninth Doctor, which would’ve suited his character far better. Even the BBC’s animated episode ‘Real Time’ gave us a far more suitable blue outfit.

It was this darkness that was to be the downfall of the show. After numerous complaints of violence, some justified (Attack of the Cybermen), and some just ridiculous (Mary Whitehouse), the show was taken off air completely. With fan pressure, we were given a final goodbye to the sixth Doctor in the form of the epic Trial of a Timelord, where once again, like the show itself, the Doctor was put on trial by his own people. The Doctor may have triumphed, but Baker was fired.
Brash, loud & unsympathetic to his enemies, but with a heart of gold, the sixth Doctor only graced our screens for a short while, but he had some of the better, darker stories in Doctor Who’s history. With another dark Doctor starting this weekend, we’re supremely confident they’ve got it right this time!

What was your favourite memory of the sixth Doctor?
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