Everything that was said last week... I take it all back. The finale train has stalled and our ‘neat monster’ of old has returned, yet again, to his sloppy ways - leaving many fans astounded that the whole of Miami Metro hasn’t worked out his secret life. With just two episodes - ever - to go, the show should be on fire. Dexter, boxed in on all corners. Every member of Miami Metro closing in on his secret, the FBI preparing to pounce and a serial killer on the prowl...
Instead we’re forced to watch as Dexter, who just a few weeks earlier was so desperate to have his sister Deborah back in his life, prepares to abandon his life and jet off to Argentina with son and Serial-killing girlfriend, Hannah McKay, leaving Deb behind. Have I mentioned that Hannah tried to kill Deborah?
It’s agonizing to see a much-loved show, which had all the potential to go down in a blaze of glory, limping towards the finish line with a weak final chapter. The fact that Dexter and Hannah’s plans might be derailed by a simple treadmill - more on this later - gives more credence to the idea that, as a show, Dexter truly has run it’s course..

Elsewhere, Dexter and Harrison are dropping in on Deb and Hannah. There’s a discussion about the logistics of moving halfway across the planet; Quitting work, breaking the lease on his apartment, selling his boat... Oh and sneaking a wanted fugitive through an airport. Dex then whips his sister outside and drops the bombshell on her; naturally his sister is devastated. In fact her response sums up how about 100% of the audience is feeling;
“Are you kidding? You know how stupid that sounds? You’re going to take your fucking son and move to another country with a wanted fugitive?”

On a somewhat related note, Jamie is set to graduate college. Honestly, I’m not sure how she manages to find the time to study with the killer - sorry - hours that Dexter makes her work. She has a recruitment letter from a prestigious academy for special needs children. Quinn’s delighted and thinks she should jump at the chance. Jamie doesn’t want to jeopardise their relationship. So, what does Quinn do? Break up with her...

Vogel passes by and Dexter pulls his spiritual mother into his office and once again, tries to convince his Doctor to let him kill her son. Saxon is dangerous and he needs her to see it. Vogel’s not budging. She “just knows” that he isn’t going to harm her. The ghost of Father’s past appears and reminds Dexter that he can’t just walk away without dealing with Saxon. IF he left Miami and Vogel got hurt, he’d never be able to forgive himself.

They’re all called to a crime scene. A cyclist has been run down. Dexter takes this opportunity to resign from work; After Rita and the job, there’s been enough death in his life for a while. Batista, seeing that Dexter really needs his, gives him a hug and wishes well.

Later, in between Quinn breaking up with Jamie, Deb quitting Elway Investigations and returning to homicide Dexter looking up photos of Argentina, Harrison starts playing on his aunt’s treadmill - despite his dad’s previous warnings, the little scamp! - and falls over. Somehow slipping and cutting his chin open in the process. Nobody else is around and a little cut like that needs hospital treatment. So our wanted fugitive rushes him to A&E and... is recognised by the hospital staff. Smart move.

Saxon shows up at his mother’s house and, while he isn’t looking, the psychiatrist calls Dexter - inviting him around to take care of her son. She settles down to have a cup of tea with her son but she’s nervous. She knows this will be the last time she ever sees him. Saxon, having seen so many people die he knows when someone is afraid. He puts two and two together and comes up with four. Dexter is en-route.

The serial killer bursts into the house but it’s too late. There’s nothing that can be done. Wracked with guilt and despair, Dexter pulls his dying mother into his arms and cradles her one last time. Holding back the flood of rage, grief and guilt. Furious for vengeance. Soaked once more in the blood of a loved one.