Constantine has finally reached its end, and what an end it was! The perfect combination of tension, comedy and magic that has kept the show flowing along nicely throughout these thirteen episodes. But has it been good enough to get the show renewed for a second series?
This being the final episode of the series and (potentially) of the show itself, there are lots of references to other aspects of characters that haven’t been shown previously, such as Constantine getting cancer in the comics and Papa Midnite’s Zombies. These little hints towards possible grander schemes feel somewhat hollow now there is less chance of a renewal, and they’re almost thrown in there to keep the fans baying for more in the hopes that their cries will be heard by the Lords of Renewal. Still, they were nice little touches.

Constantine ended this run on a bang, and it would be a terrible shame not to see it get picked up for a second series, even if it involves switching networks. There’s plenty of content to continue on with the journey the characters have started (up)on, and those demons just won’t sit quietly.
What Did You Think?

Should Constantine get a second series?
How could they make it better?
Let us know in the comments!