This week’s episode of Constantine manages to be both astoundingly good and frustratingly annoying at the same time. It feels like the show is trying to juggle too many balls at once, setting up an explosive second part to the storyline, but ultimately letting things get too tricky.

The action switches between the two story lines quite rapidly, generally attempting to leave each scene on a tense cliffhanger before moving back to the other plot. Unfortunately, it fails to make the tension and threat of danger believable, leaving it to fall flat before cutting. It also serves to highlight the dullness of Zed when compared to the more action-oriented antics of Constantine and Chas. Her encounter with the Resurrection Crusade members feels sloppily added in, and acts like a cheap “home invasion” scenario. It doesn’t help that it was only last week when we were introduced to the people trying to kidnap her; if they had made this a longer running, background storyline, it may have had the legs to go the distance, but at the moment it feels randomly tacked on to give Zed something to do this episode.

Overall, this episode is brilliantly told. The pacing is tight, if the two story lines are taken separately, however together, they become a bit of a fumbled mess. Next week offers up the conclusion to the plot and will hopefully see a brilliant result to this week’s cliffhangers. Next week should also see whether or not the writers will be sticking to the stories from Hellblazer closely, or if they’ll take another path and break away from the comics, at least for a while. Regardless, the show is great fun to watch, and worthy of your time, if the ratings spike for the last episode is anything to go by, Constantine will be around for at least a little while longer.