A lot happens in this week’s episode of Broadchurch. There are plenty of emotions riding high this week ranging from heartbreaking moments, to ones filled with anger. It is a lot to take in.

We see much more of a progression with the Sandbrook case as the court hearings take a backseat. Miller investigates all possible leads, going so far as forgoing sleep to sort through numerous case files, eventually coming to a shocking discovery. Miller's actions are shored up by flashbacks adding information that makes the whole case much more interesting.

This week's episode has a lot of humour, which combined with the bleakness adds a more humanistic tone.. Olivia Coleman does a wonderful job with portraying Ellie Miller’s constant change of moods, and David Tennant’s depiction of blunt and stern DI Hardy is brilliant as always. The episode ends with plenty of important information being brought to light, not just about the case, but about the characters as well.