Last week’s episode brought many questions of controversy that sparked lots of debate. The episode also sparked plenty of emotions revolving around the trial of Joe Miller and the return to the Sandbrook Case.

This week’s episode is filled with many new pieces of information about both the Broadchurch case and the Sandbrook case, as well as a few surprises. We learn more key information about the Sandbrook case that sheds new light onto old suspects, whilst muddying the waters around others. We also see a character from series one make a shock return bearing evidence with dire consequences attached, potentially putting the entire investigation into disarray.

This week’s episode gives us more of a look into the Sandbrook case. As Alec and Ellie travel to the titular town to investigate the case at the scene, we begin to learn even more about the people involved; the suspects and victims, even going do far as to introduce Hardy's ex-wife and daughter.
Much of the appeal of Broadchurch is down to the phenomenal acting done by the cast. Not just that of David Tennant and Olivia Coleman, but also James D’Arcy (Lee Ashworth), Eve Myles (Claire Ashworth) and pretty much all of the others, it's very hard to find fault with their performances. With the exciting plot developments and the growing tension and progress of the trial, it is another gripping episode.