Well the mask is off and Black Canary’s true identity is Sara Lance. Not exactly a shocker if the audience have and familiarity with the comics or have at least been paying attention for the last year. I can’t help but feel disappointed halfway into episode 4 that the mystery is over. The outcome was always going to be obvious but I was expecting a few clues to throw us off or at least for this mystery to go on a little longer. However as always with Arrow it appears that the really engaging mystery lies not in the present but on the island. Exactly the opposite of Lost in that way…

One of the problems with Arrow is that with so many characters to feed, an on-going story arc to move forward, a bad guy of the week and the flashbacks to the island and its own story that ties in to the present, some events or characters seem to get lost in the mix. This week it was Moira and Laurel who both seem caught up in their own problems while the world moves on. Moira is still in prison with the death penalty threat looming while Laurel seems to be further descending into a drug/drink aided whining depression. It’s not unexpected considering her recent history losing Tommy and then almost being killed by the doll maker last week but it’s also a stark contrast to her little sister who almost died and now runs around on rooftops in leather.