American Horror Story has come to this stand-still. It’s just too familiar now to be completely shocking. Or it negates its characters in order to be shocking. Which does the opposite and makes it not shocking. Maybe it’s because it is the festive season (and we’ve all hit that slump, viewing, writing and acting.) But there is just something so dull about this television series now as it follows its blueprint of everything that came before it. Rise the body count! Include a twist! Give someone questionable moral ethics! Let them have a breakdown! Freak Show is so tedious and frankly, we don’t care.
In the case of this week’s Orphans, there is literally one thing that keeps us going. And I can’t even talk about that!! (Spoilers)
Putting the moral dilemma on the shoulders of Emma Roberts as Maggie toils with the deaths that have occurred and her friendship with the freaks is possible the worst decision of American Horror Story. That’s not to say she’s a bad actress. Well, actually, that is exactly what’s being said. While the cast aren’t exactly Oscar Winners (apart from Golden Glober Winner Lange) Roberts manages to drag the production into wavering territory that makes the story strain under her wailing. And it’s excruciating to watch as there is seemingly no depth to the performance no matter how hard the writers try to round this villainess off with a soul.
Though the introduction of the world’s worst kept secret that is plastered all over the internet now was tantalising, threading different universal elements together in the American Horror Story world quite nicely (did I guess right before? I really did. Ish) and that ending in the Museum of Morbidity was shocking. However, Freak Show still plods around with this uninteresting vein. Audiences should not be dragged along lazily for about five minutes of excitement. And unfortunately, that’s all American Horror Story feels it needs to do.
Plus there is a severe lack of Dandy Mott. Bring back Dandy!