So, American Horror Story is back from its break and the season may be turning itself around. Are we finally heading towards an epic conclusion that will make the season as a whole a strong plot? Have they got their mojo back?
Plot lines are starting to be tied up in anticipation of the finale; dirty laundry is being aired, justice sought out, and the mystery behind Jimmy’s claws being in that exhibit is solved. Dell finally starts to redeem himself as a father as he visits his unfortunate son and actually shows human compassion, while also revealing the truth as to why he abandoned his family all those years ago.
Though Dandy was sorely missed this week, he managed to appear in a few scenes, and what powerful scenes they were. Finn Wittrock is one of the best actors in the entire show and the scene he shared with Harris was breath taking as he seems like the sane, powerful character. He and Harris were a great team and played off each other well so hopefully, they will have more scenes together soon.
Jimmy and Dell intend to buy the Freak Show from Elsa since she is planning on leaving and starting fresh elsewhere. Someone in a much less mentally sound position gets control of the show and it doesn’t look like it will lead to a prosperous future. We say goodbye to more characters, as is the way with American Horror Story, especially in Freak Show, which teaches us not to get too attached to their characters.
An old face from the previous seasons returns. This actress has been in seasons one and two but her latest role seems the most interesting and fun. The make-up and costumes are terrifying, but not as much as the concept of the new character, who has managed to add layers to the show and has given new found potential to the last few episodes. This arc will be one of the more creative and exciting story lines they have had for a while and this one episode feels like a completely new series. There hasn’t been much horror in this season; it appears as though it’s on its way.