Boy Parts begins fairly soon after Bitchcraft ended. The opening scene is that of Misty Day, the witch who was burned in the first episode. She stumbles across the camp of two alligator hunters and uses he magic to kill the two with their dead alligators. The episode then branches off into three separate story arcs.
Story arc one follows Zoe and Madison as they deal with the consequences of the bus flip that killed several frat boys and Zoe's revenge killing in the hospital. While the girls are in their morning class two police officers come to the house to question Madison and Zoe.
This sequence of events paints a a very simple picture of two of the main cast, Fiona and Zoe. It creates a generic evil witch in Fiona and a sniveling teenager in Zoe. Their's no subtlety in it and creates an image of two characters that will be hard to change in the future. It makes them very two dimensional.
The one perk of the opening sequence is that we're given a glimpse at Queenie. Her and Addie seem to have relegated to background characters. Queenie was found by the school through her ability to harm other people using her own body. Its a clever power and creates a lovable character in Queenie.
While this is all happening a second story arc takes place with Fiona. Fiona has “rescued” Delphine from her grave in order to find the secret to her immortality. Delphine's story from the previous episode is continued showing that Marie Laveau tricked her into taking an immortality potion. While she was passed out Maria and the slaves murdered Delphine's family. This prompts Fiona to make a visit the hair salon Marie is based out of in the 9th ward.
The final story arc was a simple story involving Cordelia's inability to conceive a child. After speaking with the Doctor, for what appears to not have been the first time, Cordelia and her husband decide to use magic to aid in the cause. This could be simply a story trying to bring depth to a character, but the use of magic could have long standing effects to the series.
Boy Parts served to create a better story, one ripe with possibilities. Its only a matter of time before we see how everything will play out. What role will Misty play? Will a child be born and how will that effect everything? Things have been set in motion...