What can I say about the Keep? Its pretty much the all in one solution to an issue that has been plaguing lovers of Bioware’s best selling franchises. Bioware is well known for two RPG’s in which the heroes’ choices weigh heavily on the outcome of the story; those games are Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Ever since the first direct sequels to these games emerged there was an issue in porting saves over, especially in the case of the Mass Effect games where you play the same character/hero throughout the series (Dragon Age changes heroes every story but the choices you make in the first two games are supposed to weigh heavily in the future of the franchise). Issues with dialogue or who is dead/alive have cropped up when porting over saves and when you are dependent on a story being linear it has the effect of taking you out of the story. The Keep is the ultimate solution, especially for those of us who are buying the game on the latest generation of consoles.