October is Black History Month in the UK and as we are never to turn down any celebration, we here at I'm With Geek have opted to spend the next few weeks giving our own contributions to this cause for renewed awareness. To kick things off the Games Team are here to give us a list of some of their favourite characters.
Ben - Adéwalé (Assassin's Creed IV)

Jamie - Doc Louis (Punch Out)

John - Avery Johnson (Halo)

Luke - Lee Everett (The Walking Dead)

Paul - Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII)

As commander of the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE, what Barrett lacks in charisma, he more than makes up for in raw leadership skills. In other words, you do what Barret tells you, or you get out of his way.
This isn't to say he doesn't have a soft side, however. He loves his adopted daughter, Marlene, like she was his own, and while he may usually carry his tough guy routine about with him, it doesn't take much for his friends to find the loyal and good man inside his heart.
...Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, he has a gun for a hand. Approach at your own risk...
Vanessa - David Anderson (Mass Effect Trilogy)

There are oh so many others

Tell us who some of your favourite black characters are. Do you think that the black community is well represented in gaming? Let usk now in the comments below.