by Robbie Jones Have you ever heard a plot so ridiculous that it just had to be awesome? Well, that definitely seems to be the case for the upcoming comedy Pixels. Just listen to this: Aliens misinterpret classic video games as a declaration of war and attack the Earth, using the games as models. The President of the United States (Kevin James) calls upon his childhood best friend and former video game champion (Adam Sandler) to lead a team of old school arcaders (Josh Gad and Peter Dinklage) to defeat the aliens and save the planet. Come on, how stupid does that sound? Very, to be honest. But it has so much potential to be awesome. An image has been released from the film, depicting Sandler, Gad and Dinklage (who, for Game of Thrones fans, is looking very questionable) in matching blue outfits with Michelle Monaghan dressed to impress. What’s going on in this picture? Who knows? But my guess is some kind of cheesy, slow motion walk as the heroes prepare for battle. The casting of Kevin James and Adam Sandler is sure to put people off, considering they haven’t made a good film for years, but for gamers, this could be one hell of a film. Pixels is out summer 2015. Do you need an arc built? Ha, well, I Noah guy. Ok so today marks the DVD release of Darren Aronofsky's Biblical epic that saw Russell Crowe, his family and a band of paired animals attempt to survive the biggest flood known to mankind. Whilst some people adored the film, others called it a wash out. So here Gloria and Robbie battle it out, who do you agree with? by Robbie Jones Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage. There’s something quite unsettling about that sentence, isn’t there? Nowadays, mention the name and the God awful remake of The Wicker Man comes to mind, or terrible comic book films, or terrible films in general. But there was a time when Cage wasn’t a lunatic, and his films were pretty decent. Let’s take a look at some of the best. Before we start, there are two films which I haven’t seen yet but are fan favourites and should be mentioned: Lord of War, featuring Jared Leto, and The Coen Brothers’ Raising Arizona. If you haven’t seen them, check them out, that’s what I’ll be doing! by Robbie Jones The San Diego Comic Con is well under way, whilst the entirety of the I’m With Geek staff sit here and cry with jealousy. Every year, Comic Con delivers a lot of film goodness, from posters to trailers to panels and more. This year is no exception, with so many things already cropping up. So, what’s new from San Diego? One of the most popular films to be covered this year will surely be Avengers: Age of Ultron and some new concept art has been released. The pictures see heroes Black Widow, Captain America, Scarlett Witch and Iron Man taking on big baddie Ultron and his army of robots. The art is beautifully drawn, and hopefully promises some epic action scenes in the forthcoming sequel. Now if we could just get a trailer, that’d be lovely! |
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July 2015